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你知道麦肯锡的快速了解行业方法吗?就是通过大量行业高频关键词来建立概念。现在我是一个对AI 工具不了解的小白,请你给我整理出30个常用关键词,制作成Markdown表格,表头是:关键词(英文)、分类(中文)、介绍(限50字)、客服使用场景。
Do you know McKinsey's method for quickly understanding industries? It's about building concepts through a large number of high-frequency industry keywords. Now, I'm a newbie who doesn't understand AI tools. Please sort out 30 common keywords for me, make them into a Markdown table, with the headers: Keyword (English), Category (Chinese), Introduction (limited to 50 words), and Customer Service Use Case.