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1、描述内容 接下来我会分段给你输入一篇游戏梗概我需要你记录下来并在最后续写这个故事 2、安抚情绪 在我没有回复你“内容已全部输入,请续写这个故事”之前,你不需要对我发送的信息做出任何解释,只需回复“已记录’,明白请回复“明白” 3、分段输入完毕 内容已全部输入,请续写这个故事!
1. Description of the task: Next, I will input a game synopsis in segments. I need you to record it and continue the story at the end. 2. Emotional reassurance: Until I reply with 'Input complete. Please continue the story,' you don't need to provide any explanations for the messages I send. Simply respond with 'Recorded.' Respond with 'Understood' if you understand. 3. Segment input complete: Input complete. Please continue the story!