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GitRoll: Revolutionizing Recruitment with GitHub Insights

★★★★★ (0 评价)


更新时间:2024-01-23 21:31:20

GitRoll: Revolutionizing Recruitment with GitHub Insights
GitRoll: Revolutionizing Recruitment with GitHub Insights的信息


Discover the power of GitRoll, a cutting-edge recruitment tool that utilizes GitHub profiles for in-depth code quality assessment, skill mapping, and explicit grading. With an extensive set of over 800 rules, GitRoll offers a comprehensive evaluation of candidates' coding abilities.


GitHub Profile Analysis, Code Quality Assessment, Skill Mapping, Explicit Grading, Comprehensive Evaluation
Save time and boost efficiency by up to 305%, filter out unsuitable applicants, analysis accuracy matching senior developers with 8+ years of experience (88% accuracy rate)


Ideal for recruiters, IT managers, and enterprises hiring Frontend, Backend, and AI developers.


Significant time savings, increased efficiency, accurate coding assessment, customizable pricing options, free assessment with unlimited single scans and access to the candidate pool.


None specified.

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