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BizMagnets: Empowering WhatsApp Marketing

★★★★★ (0 评价)


更新时间:2023-12-14 19:55:40

BizMagnets: Empowering WhatsApp Marketing
BizMagnets: Empowering WhatsApp Marketing的信息
BizMagnets is an innovative platform empowering businesses with WhatsApp for marketing and support. The AI autobot chat reply enhances promotional messages. Key features: 1. **No-Code Chatbot**: Easily create and manage automated WhatsApp conversations without coding expertise. 2. **Message Templates**: Pre-approved templates ensure compliance with WhatsApp guidelines, saving time for businesses. 3. **Marketing Capabilities**: Drive growth through mass messages, drip campaigns, and integration with social media ads. 4. **Sales Optimization**: Streamlined order management, product catalogs, and AI-powered cross-selling for revenue boost. 5. **Exceptional Support**: Real-time chat, issue resolution, and proactive assistance for enhanced customer experiences.
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