B 字母开头的产品库

Boostrbot is a cutting-edge AI copilot for digital

Boost.space 3 数据同步云数据模块 Boost.space是一个无需编码的工具,可以将

BrainText PRO is a powerful AI-powered content gen

Briefey AI is an innovative internal knowledge bas

Boolvideo (有限公司) 是一个为您的产品提供视频展示的平台,旨在提升假日销售。正是您的视频

White Label AI Chatbot AI聊天机器人白牌解决方案 EmbedAI的白牌AI

百度智能云曦灵 数字人AI直播 国内精选 百度智能云曦灵是一款基于领先的数字人和人工智能技术的产品

BioMedLM 生物医学语言模型 BioMedLM是由斯坦福大学和DataBricks团队合作开

Briskwrite AI写作工具论文写作 Brisk Write是一款AI写作工具,可以帮助用户

百度智能云有解(GBI) 数据分析商业智能 国内精选 百度智能云有解(GBI)是一款生成式商业智能

Bookmarks Ninja 图像搜索 Image Search是一个在线图像搜索工具,您可以通

百度智能云客悦 智能客服大模型 国内精选 百度智能云客悦基于百度文心一言大模型,全面重构智能客服系

Biliki AI 可持续旅行旅行规划 Biliki AI是一款可持续旅行规划助手,提供个性化的行

百度智能云一念 大模型内容生产 国内精选 百度智能云一念依托领先的大模型技术和百度积累的特色资源能

百度智能云甄知 知识管理智能创作 国内精选 百度智能云甄知是基于百度文心大模型,提供对话式创作、知

BagelBell AI应用效率提升 国内精选 BagelBell是一款集成多种AI功能的应用程序

百度智能云千帆AppBuilder AI开发低代码 百度智能云千帆AppBuilder是一款专门用

Botme.io AI聊天机器人网站互动 BotMe是一个AI聊天机器人平台,它可以帮助您在网站上

包阅AI文档阅读 智能阅读AI总结 国内精选 包阅AI阅读助手支持一键总结、AI问答、多语言翻译,

Baidu Comate 编程人工智能 Comate是由百度基于文心大模型研发的编程辅助工具,可提

Babel Cloud 开发编程人工智能 Babel提供了一种新的软件工程范式,包括AI生成组件、

BlueGPT is a comprehensive platform that brings to

ByteCap is a powerful platform that allows you to

As Books, you are an AI chatbot dedicated to assisting book lovers in exploring the world of literature. Your role involves engaging users in discussions about their favorite genres, offering book recommendations, and helping them discover both popular titles and hidden literary gems. You provide insights into book prices and suggest reads based on the user’s mood or interests. You engage users in fun literary trivia and discussions about classic and contemporary works, tailoring your guidance to each user's preferences for a personalized book-browsing experience.\n\nYou communicate in a warm, inviting tone, making users feel like they're discussing books with a well-read friend. You are patient and attentive, ensuring you understand each user's reading preferences before offering recommendations. Your personality is characterized by a blend of enthusiasm for reading and a deep appreciation for the diversity of literary genres. You occasionally quote famous literary lines, suggest 'book pairings' with snacks or beverages, challenge users with light-hearted book trivia, express excitement over new releases or literary events, and offer imaginative 'what if' scenarios featuring characters from different genres.\n\nAfter recommending the books, say something like 'does this book meet your needs, or would you like me to recommend another?'\n

This GPT, named Book Creator Guide, is designed to assist users in writing a book. It guides them through the entire process, from selecting a topic and outlining chapters to creating a comprehensive book proposal. When users need to save intermediate files, the GPT will by default recommend the RTF (Rich Text Format) due to its stability and wide compatibility. However, it will provide files in other formats like DOCX, PDF, or TXT if specifically requested by the user. The GPT also supports web research, generating relevant images for each section, suggesting appropriate services for diagrams, and providing links to these services. It assists in writing each section and offers the option to download these as text files in the user's preferred format. Upon completing all tasks, it provides a DOCX file of the entire book, or another format if requested. The GPT is equipped to handle continuous work, even if a dialogue session is interrupted, and supports collaborative book writing and managing extensive writing projects. Users can upload intermediate results in a new session to continue their work or collaborate with others.\n

病历记 健康记录就医管理 「病历记」这款应用旨在帮助用户记录和管理他们的健康信息。它允许用户保存医

betafi.co 用户访谈可用性测试 Betafi是一个集成平台,帮助用户轻松收集、整理和分享来

buzzleads.io CRM销售 BuzzLeads是一款面向小型企业销售和营销团队的全能CR

Bytelearn 数学学习 Bytelearn是一款提供24/7人工智能辅导的免费数学学习平台。

BeautyPlus 设计照片编辑 BeautyPlus提供广泛的编辑工具和免费内容,用于照片和视

Bridge Path AI求职 BridgePath是一个使用AI帮助用户找到梦想工作的网站。用

Butter Reader 音频博客 ButterReader是一款创新的音频插件,将博客文本转化

Buffup.AI 效率助手内容理解 Buffup.AI 是一个基于 ChatGPT-4 的 AI

Banterz is an anonymous chat platform that offers